History of Women Warrant Officers in the U. S. Army
CW4 Concetta Hassan, a CH-47 Chinook pilot, "Is very much the 60-year-old grandmother she appears to be, boasting about her family and looking forward to retirement" - see the USA Today story. CW4 Hassan was also featured on the NBC Today Show during the week of March 17, 2003.
CWO Charisma Henzie, also a CH-47 Chinook pilot - "Perched on her cot, Charisma Henzie rips open a box sent through military mail and pulls out a white stuffed cat. Press here, reads the instructions on the belly and she does. "Happy 26th Birthday!" croaks a baritone, a recording of her father's voice. "A cat for Kuwait!" - see the Washingron Post Story.
WO1 Laquitta Joseph, a Maintenance Technician, "The first thing Warrant Officer Laquita Joseph did the other day was find the private who inadvertently -- and foolishly -- had dirtied up her truck with a broken oil-leaking transmission differential." - see the Wall Street Journal story.