When the Marketplace needs more information

If you’re asked to verify or add to information you entered on your Marketplace application, you’ll get notices (letters, emails, or both) telling you which documents to submit. You may get a notice from your health insurance company too.

Which documents to submit

You'll need to send different documents based on what we need to verify: Your notice also includes the list of acceptable documents to resolve your particular issues.

After you gather your documents, check out this screen-by-screen guide with pictures (PDF), or follow these written instructions to upload your documents.

Your submission deadline

Your deadline to submit documents depends on the type of information you're asked to confirm:

What happens if you miss your deadline

If you don’t meet your deadline, we’ll make a new determination of the insurance and savings you’re eligible for. These results will be based on information from our data sources, not what you put on your application.

The new results may change your current insurance eligibility and costs.

More Answers: Required documents & deadlines

What should I do if I can't find my notice?

Check your Marketplace account online:
  1. Log into your Marketplace account.
  2. Select the application with the data matching issue under "Your applications."
  3. Use the menu on the left side of your screen to select "Application Details."

Note: You should see a full list of data matching issues that apply to you and your household listed under "Send Documents for Data Matching Issues."