Power of Attorney (POA) Forms

Use our Power of Attorney forms to let someone make legal and financial decisions for you.

General/financial power of attorney form

Updated August 19, 2024
Written by Josh Sainsbury | Reviewed by Susan Chai, Esq.

Power of Attorney forms are legal documents that allow someone you trust to manage your medical or financial affairs if you cannot do so. The forms specify what actions your agent can take on your behalf and can only be legally binding if they follow your state’s requirements.

Signing Requirements

Generally, this document must be signed in the presence of witnesses and notarized. However, even if your state does not require this, it is best practice to do so. Check your state signing requirements here.

POA Forms – By State

POA Forms – By Type

Durable Power of Attorney

A form that provides additional clauses, and details specific areas you can grant power over in the event you can’t care for yourself (for example, if you had a stroke or fell into a coma).

Durable (DPOA)

Most Popular

General/financial power of attorney form

A general form that allows you to give general or specific powers to an agent to make financial decisions for you, such as operating a business, buying or selling a property, accessing accounts, and handling investments.


General Power of Attorney

A POA that allows a designated agent to make financial decisions on behalf of the document’s principal.


Limited power of attorney form

A form which allows you to give limited powers to an agent for a specific task (such as a single real estate transaction), and typically ends when the task has been completed.


Medical power of attorney form

A type of durable power of attorney that specifically allows an agent to make health care decisions for you if you become incapacitated. These decisions can include what treatment you receive, whether your organs are donated, and if you are kept alive on life support.

Medical (MPOA)

Military Power of Attorney form

A form that allows you to delegate power of authority to a friend or family member while you're away for training, stationed at a base far from home, or deployed overseas.


Minor Child Power of Attorney Template

Minor (Child)

Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

A form that grants authority to an agent in matters associated with the principal’s motor vehicle.

Motor Vehicle

Real Estate Power of Attorney Template

Real Estate

Springing Power of Attorney Form

A form that “springs” into effect in a certain situation, and ends at a time you specify.



Enables individuals or business entities to designate a representative, typically an accountant or tax attorney, to professionally prepare and submit their federal tax returns.

IRS (Form 2848)

New York Power of Attorney Form POA-1

State Tax

Agent Authorization Letter Template

Agent Authorization Letter

Terminating a Power of Attorney

revocation of power of attorney form

Revocation of Power of Attorney

Cancels or nullifies a previously granted Power of Attorney, terminating the authority of the previously designated agent to act on the principal's behalf.