Musical Theatre BFA Artistic Review Requirements

Apply to Emerson College following the Step 1 instructions from the Performing Arts Applicant Requirements page. Select BFA Musical Theatre as your major.

As soon as you have your Emerson Admission ID Number, you are ready to submit your Artistic Application on Acceptd.

Submit an Artistic Application

  1. Log in or create an Acceptd account (if you already have an account do not create a new one), complete the form and upload the following:
  2. Pay the non-refundable Artistic Application fee of $30

Prescreen Decisions

You will receive your prescreen results through the Acceptd messaging system within two weeks of submission. If you do not receive notification within two weeks, please let us know at pa_artisticreview [at] (pa_artisticreview[at]emerson[dot]edu) .

If you are not invited to audition for Musical Theatre, you may be invited to audition for BFA Theatre & Performance. In that case, you will be sent instructions for changing your applications and will not need to pay another Artistic Application fee.

Musical Theater Common Prescreen

Emerson is a participant in the Musical Theater Common Prescreen (MTCP) for the 2024-2025 cycle (Songs, Monologue, and Dance. No Wild Card.)

General Information and Tips

Prescreen Introduction "SLATE" Video