Please use the following forms for our undergraduate program.
- Declare a Major or Minor
- Directed Study
- Internship Course
- Policies
You can declare a major or minor as early as the second semester of your first year.
- The Declaration of Major/Minor form is accessible in OPUS under the Course Planning and Enrollment Tile.
- The OPUS form will display your current academic plan, and you may request to add or remove a major, minor, or concentration from that page.
- Your request is subject to department review. Within 24 hours, you will receive an automated email with guidance on contacting the appropriate undergraduate staff member for next steps.
- If you have any questions about the form or the process, please contact
ECONOMICS 397R-496R-496RW (Directed Study)
Independent Study Non-Lecture Courses – Econ 397R/496R/496RW
- Can be used to satisfy an economics elective requirement (must be for 3 or more credits) but no more than 2 of the 4 elective requirements can be fulfilled with directed study courses.
- Can be used to satisfy the continuing writing requirement – Econ 496RW (must be for 4 or more credits).
To enroll the following is necessary:
- A topic (an original idea) must be selected that is not included in a course that would normally be offered/available to you. A written description of the project should be included on the Directed Study form.
- A faculty advisor among the Economics Department faculty must agree to supervise the study program.
- The completed and signed form should be submitted to our Undergraduate Program Coordinator at , in the semester preceding the one you intend to participate.
Economics 449 is an internship offered to economics majors and minors only and must be taken on a pass/fail (S/U) basis. This counts for only 2 credit hours and will not count toward the major or minor.
Permission is required to enroll in this course: Internship Request Form
In order to obtain permission to enroll in Econ 449, please complete the Internship Request Form and email it to our Undergraduate Program Coordinator at
More information can be found here: Internships
- All classes applied towards an Economics major/minor must be taken for a letter grade.
- Students must earn an average GPA of 2.0 in the Economics major/minor to graduate.
- The Department will only accept Econ 101 Principles of Microeconomics and Econ 112 Principles of Macroeconomics as transfer credit from other institutions and AP/IB tests.
- Econ 449 Internship is 2 credit hours, graded pass/fail and does not count towards major/minor requirements.
- Directed study (ECON 397, 496, or 496RW) can be used to satisfy up to 2 elective requirements (must be for 3 or more credits, 4 for ECON 496RW)
- Course overloads are made at the discretion of the Department. Please contact our Undergraduate Program Coordinator for more information.