Your legal rights

Wherever you're buying it’s best not to sign anything or hand over any money until you're absolutely happy – there will be other, similar cars available so there's no need to take the risk if you feel uneasy.

Your legal rights

The Consumer Rights Act 2015

The Consumer Rights Act came into force on 1 October 2015 and covers the purchase of goods, digital content and services including new and used cars from official dealers (it doesn't apply to private sales) as well as servicing, repairs and maintenance work.

Products must be:

(For cars purchased before 1 October 2015 the Sale of Goods Act still applies.)

The dealer must have the right to sell the vehicle and is liable for faults with the vehicle – that mean it was not of satisfactory quality – that were present at the time it was sold even though they may only become apparent later on.

Satisfactory quality

Satisfactory quality means that the vehicle should be of a standard a reasonable person would expect, taking into account things like its age, value, history, mileage, make and description.

Wear and tear

The dealer’s not liable for fair wear and tear, where the vehicle broke down or the fault emerged through normal use, nor are they liable if they drew your attention to the full extent of any fault or defect before you bought the car.

Fit for purpose

You must be able to use the vehicle for the purposes that you would normally expect from a vehicle including any particular purpose that you tell the dealer about before you buy, or which the dealer has advertised or gleaned from your conversation – towing or short journey use for example.

Faults, repairs and refunds

Under the new act, if a fault renders the product not of satisfactory quality, not fit for purpose or not as described, then the buyer is entitled to reject it within the first 30 days.

Between 30 days and 6 months

If a fault comes to light after 30 days but before 6 months you’re entitled to a repair, replacement or refund.

After 6 months

The burden is on you to prove that the product was faulty at the time of delivery if you want to pursue a claim for repair or replacement.

Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations

Dealers must also comply with the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (2008), which prohibit them from engaging in unfair business practices:

  1. Giving false information – either verbally, visually or in writing, for example misrepresenting the vehicle's specification or history at any time before, during or after the transaction.
  2. Giving insufficient information – leaving out or hiding important information for example not disclosing the existence and results of all checks carried out on the vehicle's mechanical condition, history and mileage or failing to draw your attention to the key elements of any warranty, eg what's covered, claim limits and conditions to be followed.
  3. Acting aggressively for example using high pressure selling techniques to sell a vehicle or associated finance or warranty.
  4. Failing to act in accordance with reasonable expectations of what's acceptable.
  5. 31 specific practices are banned outright including: falsely claiming to be a signatory to a Code of Practice; falsely claiming to be approved, endorsed or authorised by a public or private body; falsely stating that a vehicle will only be available for a very limited time in order to elicit an immediate decision to buy.

Buying a used car online

If you buy online, your rights will depend on who the seller is.

On 13 June 2014 The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation, and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 replaced the Distance Selling Regulations and gives you key cancellation rights when you enter into contracts at a distance.

If you're buying online from a private seller you have the same rights as if buying face-to-face from a private seller. This also applies if you're buying online from an auction site where you bid to buy from a private seller.

Buying a used car privately

Because your legal rights are more limited, unscrupulous dealers may masquerade as private sellers:

The only legal terms that cover a private sale contract are:

Buying a used car at a live auction

At a live auction you’ll have very little legal protection: