Endorse a Political Candidate

I want to go on record as endorsing John Doe for the office of County Clerk. John has worked effectively in the County Clerk's office for five years, during which time the county population has almost doubled. He brings excellent credentials to this position, with an MA degree from Springfield University in information management and four years experience in the law office of Johnson and Johnson. Since joining the County Clerk's office, he has worked under Jane Doe's direction and has been acting clerk since her untimely death earlier this year.

The clerk's duties require filing accurate court records, overseeing the court clerk's duties, organizing voter registration, and scheduling elections. John understands the importance of keeping good records and of dealing congenially with the public. He is honest, reliable, and willing to work the long hours needed for the position. I believe John Doe is the person best qualified to be our next County Clerk.

Letter #2

Beyond a doubt, Jane Doe is the most qualified person to run for a school board position in years. As a teacher, a principal, and now a businesswoman, Jane has done it all. In all she does, Jane exemplifies honesty, fairness, and thoughtfulness. Jane will use those qualities to create a better balance between academics and extracurricular activities. We need Jane. Jane needs you. Vote for her this Tuesday.

Letter #3

I choose Jane Doe as candidate for the office of Delegate to the State Assembly from District Eight in Lincoln County. Jane Doe acquired a great deal of experience dealing with local, county and state legislation when she served as political reporter/editor for the County Gazette weekly newspaper. In this three-year position, Ms. Doe gained respect from the public as well as the law makers and government officials.

Ms. Doe, a long-time Lincoln County resident, graduated from Springfield High School and attended the State University. She and her husband live in a modest home just minutes away from where she was born in downtown Springfield. Both are very well liked and respected in their community, where they have served long hours as volunteers in schools and libraries and for their church.

I most admire Ms. Doe for her selfless volunteer work. I served with her on the "Aiding the Unemployed Back to Work" volunteer task force, and there I acquired respect and admiration for her generosity, intelligence, and dedication to a good cause. She put many hours into making the unemployed optimistic about their future, because she encouraged businesses to create new jobs locally.

With proud enthusiasm, I support Jane Doe as our party's candidate for Delegate to the State Assembly.

Letter #4

I confidently recommend John Doe for the position of State Auditor. John, a licensed CPA, excels in the areas of tax law and government ethics. In my years of working with John in city government, I have found him totally trustworthy and incorruptible.

John's well-known commitment to accountability in government will promote an atmosphere of openness in the area of government finances. If you want to see honest people in government, join me in supporting John Doe for State Auditor.

Letter #5

Over these past weeks, the public and I have had the opportunity to observe and evaluate the perspectives and agendas of the various candidates in the upcoming elections. Your honest, pragmatic, and hopeful insight into our community's problems and needs, and your willingness to examine the issues and listen closely to the public's questions and concerns, sets you far apart from the other candidates' expected techniques and talk, and so I am writing today to express my support for your campaign and my intention both to vote for you in the upcoming elections and to spread word to others of the value of your policies and abilities.

I am hoping for your success.

How to Write this Endorsement Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines

Endorsements are a powerful device for swaying public opinion. Most people distrust politicians, but when a highly respected person endorses an office-seeker, he lends his own integrity to the candidate.


  1. Identify the person you are endorsing and the office that he or she is seeking.
  2. Itemize achievements, accomplishments, or abilities that qualify the candidate for office.
  3. Provide details of the candidate's platform or vision.
  4. Close with a final appeal that names the candidate and reiterates his or her main qualifications.

Write Your endorsement in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases

1 Identify the person you are endorsing and the office that he or she is seeking.

Sample Sentences for Step 1

Key Phrases for Step 1

2 Itemize achievements, accomplishments, or abilities that qualify the candidate for office.

Sample Sentences for Step 2

Key Phrases for Step 2

3 Provide details of the candidate's platform or vision.

Sample Sentences for Step 3

Key Phrases for Step 3

4 Close with a final appeal that names the candidate and reiterates his or her main qualifications.

Sample Sentences for Step 4

Key Phrases for Step 4