General insurance value measures data 2022

We provide our first full year of general insurance value measures data, for January to December 2022. This follows our previous publication of value measures data (for July to December 2021) in November 2022.

General insurance is an important product for consumers and provides essential protection to consumers. Our latest data and our ongoing interactions with firms, shows that some general insurance firms may be failing to comply with our rules around offering fair value as required by PROD4 and delivering good outcomes for their consumers under the Consumer Duty.

In our previous publication we said we were concerned that the data showed individual firms, or products, were not providing fair value. Despite this, the new data suggests that there are still several examples where individual firms, or products do not appear to be providing fair value. So, we have written to GAP insurers informing them that we do not think they are likely to be meeting our PROD rules or providing fair value to customers. We have given these firms a month to propose how they will address the position. Where firms are not able to demonstrate that they are in compliance with our rules, we will consider using our regulatory powers. Our concerns are set out in the section below, and as well as applying to GAP insurance, may have relevance to other Value Measures products.

Whilst this action is on GAP insurance, many of the concerns we see are potentially related to wider issues and so firms’ Boards should take note of this action and make sure they are meeting their product governance requirements across all retail products. We have emphasised this further in our recent portfolio letters to insurance firms.


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