Spanish Citizenship

Are you looking to settle down permanently in Spain? If yes, you have to acquire Spanish citizenship. There are different ways to obtain Spanish citizenship including by residence, by marriage, by descent, by option, and recently by Sephardic origin .

Getting into Spain – How to Obtain Spanish Citizenship?

Spanish citizenship

Which method will suit you the best for obtaining Spanish citizenship? We at Marfour Law Firm have experts, English-speaking Immigration lawyers who will make your path easy .

They will lead you in understanding the eligibility criteria, associated expenses, and the steps required for application.

In this article, we’ll explore the steps you need to take to become a Spanish citizen and make this journey easier to understand. Let’s move ahead!

What is Spanish Citizenship? Get An Idea

Once you’ve lived in Spain for five years, you can apply for permanent residency. After a decade of residency, you can then apply for Spanish nationality. However, some exceptions exist that may shorten this timeline for certain individuals. For instance, if you’re married to a Spaniard or are the child of a Spanish parent, you may apply earlier. While Spanish citizenship and permanent residency grant the right to live in Spain, there are distinctions between the two statuses.”

Choosing Between Permanent Residency and Citizenship in Spain

Opting for an EU long-term permanent residence permit allows you to remain in Spain as a resident while retaining your original nationality and passport. As a Spanish permanent resident, you’ll have access to many of the same privileges as Spanish citizens. However, you must meet specific requirements, including demonstrating financial self-sufficiency. This status permits limited travel within the EU, extendable with proper authorization.

On the other hand, becoming a Spanish citizen requires renouncing your original nationality and passport unless you qualify for an exception (details below). This grants you full rights as a Spanish citizen, including EU citizenship and the freedom to move within its borders. Additionally, you gain the right to participate in European elections.

General Requirements for Spanish Citizenship

Residency Period:

Typically, you must have legally resided in Spain for a specific period. The standard requirement is ten years of legal residence. However, there are exceptions:

Spanish Language Proficiency:

You will need to demonstrate proficiency in Spanish. This is typically done by passing the DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) exam at the A2 level or higher.

Knowledge of Spanish Culture and Society:

Passing the CCSE (Conocimientos Constitucionales y Socioculturales de España) exam, which tests knowledge of Spain’s constitution, history, culture, and society.

Clean Criminal Record:

Provide a certificate of good conduct issued by the Philippine authorities and any other country where you have resided during the required period.

Sufficient Means of Support:

Show evidence of stable financial means to support yourself and any dependents.

Giving Up of Previous Citizenship:

Spain generally does not allow dual citizenship for non-Ibero-American countries, including the Philippines. Therefore, you may be required to renounce your Filipino citizenship unless specific exceptions or agreements exist.

4 Benefits of Spanish Citizenship

Obtaining permanent residence in Spain offers several benefits to individuals who wish to live and work in the country long-term. Here are some key advantages:

Your own Legal Status: Stable Residency:

You are legally permitted to reside in Spain indefinitely, providing stability and security for you and your family.

You will have Work and Business Authorization:

You have the right to work in Spain without needing a work permit. As a permanent resident , you can start your own businesses or work as a self-employed individual .

You can apply for family reunification.

Allowing your immediate family members to join you in Spain.

You will have access to Social Security and Healthcare

You are entitled to access the Spanish public healthcare system. Moreover, you can contribute to and benefit from the Spanish social security system.

You Have the Right to Freedom of Movement

As a permanent resident of an EU country, you have the right to travel freely within the Schengen Area and to travel to other Schengen countries for short stays without a visa.

3 Ways to Obtain Spanish Citizenship:

Acquiring Spanish nationality can be achieved after residing in Spain for 10 years. However, alternative routes exist, such as marriage in Spain or being born to Spanish parents, even if you or your parents were born outside of Spain.

All applicants are required to demonstrate good citizenship. This includes financial stability, a clean criminal record, and a sufficient level of integration into Spanish society. This might involve speaking Spanish and participating in social activities reflective of Spanish culture.

To apply for citizenship, you must visit the Civil Registry in your area of residence in Spain. You’ll need to bring the necessary supporting documents for your citizenship application and a completed application form for Spanish citizenship.

Applicants 18 years or older, 14 or above with legal assistance, or legal guardians of individuals under 14 can apply for Spanish citizenship. Seeking guidance from experienced immigration attorneys can greatly simplify the process, as they can assist you at every stage of obtaining your residency permit.”

Exceptions to the 10-Year Residency Rule

In certain circumstances, individuals can apply for Spanish nationality with shorter residency periods:

For specific cases: