Server-Side Request Forgery Prevention Cheat Sheet¶

The objective of the cheat sheet is to provide advices regarding the protection against Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attack.

This cheat sheet will focus on the defensive point of view and will not explain how to perform this attack. This talk from the security researcher Orange Tsai as well as this document provide techniques on how to perform this kind of attack.


SSRF is an attack vector that abuses an application to interact with the internal/external network or the machine itself. One of the enablers for this vector is the mishandling of URLs, as showcased in the following examples:

Overview of a SSRF common flow¶

SSRF Common Flow


Depending on the application's functionality and requirements, there are two basic cases in which SSRF can happen:

Because these two cases are very different, this cheat sheet will describe defences against them separately.

Case 1 - Application can send request only to identified and trusted applications¶

Sometimes, an application needs to perform a request to another application, often located on another network, to perform a specific task. Depending on the business case, user input is required for the functionality to work.


Take the example of a web application that receives and uses personal information from a user, such as their first name, last name, birth date etc. to create a profile in an internal HR system. By design, that web application will have to communicate using a protocol that the HR system understands to process that data. Basically, the user cannot reach the HR system directly, but, if the web application in charge of receiving user information is vulnerable to SSRF, the user can leverage it to access the HR system. The user leverages the web application as a proxy to the HR system.

The allowlist approach is a viable option since the internal application called by the VulnerableApplication is clearly identified in the technical/business flow. It can be stated that the required calls will only be targeted between those identified and trusted applications.

Available protections¶

Several protective measures are possible at the Application and Network layers. To apply the defense in depth principle, both layers will be hardened against such attacks.

Application layer¶

The first level of protection that comes to mind is Input validation.

Based on that point, the following question comes to mind: How to perform this input validation?

As Orange Tsai shows in his talk, depending on the programming language used, parsers can be abused. One possible countermeasure is to apply the allowlist approach when input validation is used because, most of the time, the format of the information expected from the user is globally known.

The request sent to the internal application will be based on the following information:

Note: Disable the support for the following of the redirection in your web client in order to prevent the bypass of the input validation described in the section Exploitation tricks > Bypassing restrictions > Input validation > Unsafe redirect of this document.


In the context of SSRF, validations can be added to ensure that the input string respects the business/technical format expected.

A regex can be used to ensure that data received is valid from a security point of view if the input data have a simple format (e.g. token, zip code, etc.). Otherwise, validation should be conducted using the libraries available from the string object because regex for complex formats are difficult to maintain and are highly error-prone.

User input is assumed to be non-network related and consists of the user's personal information.

//Regex validation for a data having a simple format if(Pattern.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9\\s\\-]", userInput)) //Continue the processing because the input data is valid >else //Stop the processing and reject the request > 
IP address¶

In the context of SSRF, there are 2 possible validations to perform:

  1. Ensure that the data provided is a valid IP V4 or V6 address.
  2. Ensure that the IP address provided belongs to one of the IP addresses of the identified and trusted applications.

The first layer of validation can be applied using libraries that ensure the security of the IP address format, based on the technology used (library option is proposed here to delegate the managing of the IP address format and leverage battle-tested validation function):

Verification of the proposed libraries has been performed regarding the exposure to bypasses (Hex, Octal, Dword, URL and Mixed encoding) described in this article.